Monday, November 25, 2019

Mt Home Holiday Party

Everybody said thanks for the Holiday party. 

Attached are a few pictures from Saturday night.


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Training time!

A couple of pics of the first day of training for our Davenport Techs for coffee
Keep up the WCS!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Great Job Blake & April! WCS!!!!

Kudos to Blake he is “The Bomb”!!!!

I was curious to see who, how and if the newbie could fill Aprils’ awesome service.

While I still miss April’s engaging personality. She trained Blake at the level she maintained.

I am so pleased to let you know, Blake Warren has not only hit the bar, he has raised it!

He is a wonderful asset to your team. I delighted Blake is Road Sciences’ current Representative.

If nothing else, give him a pat on the back. As you are well aware, the norm to receive input from a Client is usually negative.

I appreciate both the service with Imperial and your representative, Blake Warren.



Good Times in FT Smith

  Catching up on the Golf Stories!