Friday, May 6, 2016

** SPOT Light Employee ** Fort Smith - Steve Clark

I  would like to consider Steve Clark for employee of the month. Not only does he come in early and stay late every day, he also does anything that is asked of him and does it with absolutely no complaining. He is asked to go to Russellville to fill in on routes and misc. things often and is always going out of his way to offer a helping hand or a positive word of advice or encouragement to whoever needs it.

Thank you Steve Clark!!! 

How did you first learn about Imperial?
Elaine Slaughter told my wife about Imperial and said that I should apply(We had all worked together at Chick-fil-A). I finally did apply and have been with Imperial a little over 5 years.

What do you find the most challenging at Imperial?
The same thing I always find challenging, wherever I am, people. Sometimes, with the fast pace that things seem to change and evolve, we can become overwhelmed and react in a less than positive manor. It’s a constant work in progress for me to remember not become someone else’s challenge.

What is the favorite part about working for Imperial?
The job is often challenging and there is never an end to learning new things. My favorite part, however, is the same as what I find the most challenging, the people.

Are you messy or organized?
Messily organized! I have a pretty fair memory, so mentally I’m generally organized, but my desk , car, etc. are often found in different stages of disarray!

If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be?
Better communication between different areas of operation. I’m not sure we always give enough thought as to how, what we do, affects other people and what they do. This is not unique to Imperial, but happens often in all areas of life.

Motto or personal mantra?

What did you want to be growing up?
When I was younger I wanted to be a long haul truck driver.

What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?
Mostly church activities and family, watching t.v. and sleeping.

Where is your hometown?
I was born in Poteau, Oklahoma, but grew up mostly in California.

What has been your Best job?

Out of all the jobs I’ve had, no kidding, Imperial over all is the Best. A close second would have to be Chick-fil-A and Transgraphics(a family owned Decal Installation Company).

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