Wednesday, October 16, 2019

WCS - Jamie Herron!

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2019 8:00 AM
Good Wednesday morning to you!

Just wanted you to pass this up to Ben for me.  We have always had very pleasant representatives from your company to service the equipment but the one that has been coming to visit Fiber Pad the last few months is just a blessing.    Very attentive, courteous and polite – it just makes my day each and every time we get to meet.   He was driving truck #810 this morning. 

Let that fine young man know his hard work is appreciated by a customer.  He does an awesome job in so many ways. . . . a wonderful ambassador for Imperial Vending to have.

Also thank you Ben for you for all of  your service and checking in on us. . . job well done.

Be good.

Fiber Pad

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