Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Thank you for exemplifying true WCS Tim and thanks for sharing the positive recognition Barry!

Great job and thank you for what each of you do for Imperial on a daily basis!


Jason Cole

General Manager

From: Barry S

Subject: Amazon Council-WCS

Good Afternoon,

I just wanted to pass along some WCS. As I was getting the coffee count numbers at Amazon on Council (route 306) I was speaking with a lady with the training team. She approached me asking me a couple of questions then she began to speak about Tim. She gave really great praise about Tim's service. He is always polite and gave exceptional service. When she mentioned him it was not by "Imperial Driver" but by first name. That was great to hear. Also stated that he had a great demeanor. There may be things going on outside that account, but you would never know it. This is coming from her.

This is so good to hear especially with all that gets thrown at us daily. To me this defines World Class Service even when days do not go so well. I have included Tim on this email just so that he knows how much it is appreciated and someone is always watching.

Thank you Tim!


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