Monday, July 25, 2022

WCS - OKC - Logan!

Good stuff for the blog!

This is Logan C on the vending at Tinker

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2022 3:30 PM
To: Kimberely D
Cc: Amanda J
Subject: Tinker/Aramark

While meeting with the new Aramark contact at Tinker, Jeff. He raved about our Imperial machines and how awesome they looked. He's been at several other facilities during his time with Aramark and stated Imperial machines are the best he's seen. Always stocked and clean. He is now interested in touring our AAFES Markets because of this, when the threat level goes to Bravo. Please pass on to the driver how great of a job he is doing and that it is being noticed. Especially by someone that's been in the business a long time. 


Thank you, 


Tami T

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