Thursday, November 10, 2022

WCS - MO!!

From Customer: 

So, I think Brawner figured out the problem with the snack machine. 
There was issues with . . . .. 
So, he took some extra time to investigate and figured out there is a screw that the taker hooks on to holding it in place. I am hoping this will solve the issue from here on out. 

It wasn't easy to see how this was to be better secured, so GREAT job Brawner!!! 

He deserves a gold star!! I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Brawner!! 

He always shows up, he is a hard worker, never complains even though things don't always go as smooth as hoped, and he is always eager and willing to solve or report any issues that may come up! 
 If your company offers any awards or pay upgrades for outstanding customer services and work ethic, I would like to nominate Brawner!!!! (Also on a side note.. lol.. I have tried numerous times to recruit him to the BOP and he is very loyal to his job with Imperial. Says a lot about your all's company and how you treat your staff!! He seems pretty happy with his line of work and employer!)

Kimberly P

U.S. Medical Center for Federal Prisoners

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