Wednesday, July 29, 2015

**Spot Light Employee** Nixon Guerra - Tulsa

Congratulations to one of our greatest route drivers - Nixon Guerra

This trusted, reliable, veteran route driver has been chosen for Tulsa's Spot Light Employee.
Nixon has been one of the "go-to" ambassadors when implementing any new concepts and ideas.  His route was one of the first to go on the pre-kit system.  With any new direction there is always stress and trials, but Nixon came through that with an attitude and spirit of World Class Service. 

How did you first learn about Imperial?
                              From a Former Employee

If you could switch your job with anyone else with in Imperial, whose would you want?
                              I’ll keep my job, but will switch routes with Rodney – LOL J

What is the favorite part about working for Imperial?
                              Flexibility in start time

Are you messy or organized?
                              I would consider myself organized.

If you were stuck on an island – what three things would you bring?
                              A female, machete, and bug spray

Three words that best describe you?
                              Hard worker, Considerate, Ambitious, Energetic  (That’s four Nixon J )

What’s one thing on your bucket list?

What’s the one thing you can’t live without?

Where is your home town?
                              Santa Ana, California

Where would you like to go on a dream vacation?

What has been your best job?
                              Working at Imperial

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Click Me!   Even in the recent bitter cold, Corey C does an amazing job taking care of his customers with th...