Wednesday, July 15, 2015

WCS - Jason Douglas

I witnessed something at Imperial that I think was outstanding.  
I was out in the parking lot area where we load trucks, and I saw Jason Douglas beginning to open the front of the brown compactor.  It is where all the smelly food and milk is thrown away.  I came up to him and asked him what he was doing.  He said that a route person had thrown away some money and he was going to look for it.  I watched him dig through trash, in the heat of the day with a determination that I admire.  I don’t know how long Jason did that but I looked over there and he was emerging with the tax stamps that had been thrown away accidentally.  He raised his hands in the air in victory like "ROCKY BALBOA", and I was moved by his utter determination and willingness to do whatever it took to get the job done.   

Even dig in a smelly hot dumpster.  

I want everyone to know that he represents what I believe Imperial is.   

Thank you Jason Douglas.

Paul Tims 

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