Tuesday, September 22, 2015

** Spot Light ** Employee - Russellville Stacie Brown

Congrats to our new Spot Light Employee - Stacie Brown in Russellville

Stacie has worked for Imperial for almost two years.  She is a very dedicated employee; she always volunteers for our weekend work and is very supportive in anything asked of her.
Stacie runs one of our larger routes.  We are very proud to have her as one of our team members.  

- How did you learn about Imperial? 
                              Working at JC Penney’s 

- What are three words to describe Imperial?
                              Fun, Physical, People

- What is the favorite part about working for Imperial?
                              The hours and the people

-  Are you messy or organized?

- If you were stuck on an Island – what three things would you bring?
                              Bed, Pillow and a TV

- What is your biggest pet peeve? 
                              BAD DRIVERS      

- What’s one thing you can’t live without?
                              My phone

- Where is your home town?
                              Green River WYO

- Worst job?
                              JC Penney’s

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Your dedication is the only thing stronger than our office WiFi signal. Keep it up, Corey!

Click Me!   Even in the recent bitter cold, Corey C does an amazing job taking care of his customers with th...