Tuesday, February 9, 2016

** Spot Light Employee** Robert Green - Tulsa

 **Spotlight Employee** Robert Green!

How did you first learn about Imperial?

                              Ad in the paper

If you could switch your job with anyone else at Imperial, who would it be?

                              I wouldn’t.  I am where I want to be.  It’s an excellent job.

What advice do you have for prospective Imperial Candidates?

                              Show up!  Be on time.  Be here everyday.

What is the favorite part about working for Imperial?

                              The people.  The employees here are good to be around.

What is your proudest moment at Imperial?

                              Being the Spotlight Employee.  J

If you were stuck on an island – what three things would you bring?

                              Compass, Educational book about raft building, and a knife

What did you want to be growing up?

                              A Jockey

Where would you like to go on your dream vacation?


If you could meet anyone, who would it be?

                              Winston Churchill

If you had to sing a karaoke song… what would it be?

                              Okie from Muskogee, It’s about me. 

Robert - we enjoy seeing you everyday! 
Thank you for all you do for Imperial. 

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