Wednesday, July 6, 2016

WCS-McKee Foods Market Conversion

I would like to thank everyone involved in the Market conversion at McKee Foods on July 1.


Daniel Schwartz, TJ & Chris from Tulsa-These guys did a great job and proved that Imperial is ONE BIG TEAM!

Rachelle, Bob and his team, Heidi and Esther- We had a full catering during the process of installing 2 Markets, great job from our catering staff as always

Julie & Stephanie came in from Tulsa to help sign up employees on Market accounts-these ladies went above and beyond while covering the third shift and did it all with an amazing customer service mindset

Dwayne Franco & our service department-Jason, Mike, Dakota & Taylor did an outstanding job for the entire month leading up to this conversion and knocked it out of the park on July 1

James Pickney, Don Bodin & Esther Stratton all jumped in to ensure we could get as many of McKee’s 1,600 employees signed up for market accounts as possible

David Pense, Rick Remington & Gary Zulpo worked a long, hard day doing anything and everything they could to ensure a smooth transition


Thank you all for your hard work and efforts in providing the best customer service in the business for one of our most loyal partners. The Markets look great and the employees love them! Thank you again.

Gary Hill

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