Thursday, July 11, 2019

WCS - OKC Davey!

WCS Davey Phillips

From: Jason Cole
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 12:53 PM
To: Bud Lowe

Subject: Re: FAA John Wardwell Conversation

Thanks Bud!

Please note Johns feeling regarding his service level and the change we made.

Please make sure the top portion of this email makes the blog so that Davey receives his recognition. 

Jason Cole
General Manager
Imperial Vending

On Jul 11, 2019, at 12:46 PM, Bud Lowe  wrote:
Jason, I had a very long conversation with John Wardwell @ FAA. I asked him how our service is going and he said Davey Phillips is the best manager he has ever had. John said he follows through on things that need to be done and he takes care of issues faster than any other manager before. Just thought you would like to give some kudos to Davey. I also let him know we had some changes in our service department and he was happy about hopefully getting a faster response. He said he fills like his service calls were getting sidelined due to being DRS business. I assured him if this was the case that will never happen moving forward. John also assured me if he hears anything form the DRS that would affect Imperial  I would be the first call he would make. He’s happy!  
Thank You!

Bud Lowe

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