Tuesday, May 16, 2017

**Spot Light** Employee - Joanna

Monthly Spot Light Employee for May 2017 – Russellville -- Joanna Jenkins

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Imperial, whose job would you want?

          Warehouse Manager- John Wagner

 How did you first learn about Imperial? 

Linda Young

What are three words to describe Imperial? 

        Integrity, Innovation, and teamwork

What is the favorite part about working for Imperial?

          Dealing with the customers

Are you messy or organized?


Do you have an office nickname?


Motto or personal mantra? 

           Do it right the first time

Three words to best describe you?

           Easy going, Funny, and hard working

What did you want to be growing up?

           A teacher

What is your biggest pet peeve?

        Sloppy people

What is one thing on your bucket list?

          Visiting Greece

Where is your home town?

          Dardanelle, AR

Where would you like to go on a dream vacation?


What has been your BEST JOB?

           Administrative Assistant to CEO at UAMS

Worst Job?

           Burger King


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