Thursday, May 18, 2017

**Spot Light Employee** Tulsa - Rob Shear

I would like to recommend Rob for spotlight employee of the month . Rob was asked to take over the parts room due to an unexpected circumstance and truly has come to own it by expanding his knowledge base and putting real effort in organizing the parts room. He has become a huge asset to what we do in the service department and by extension Imperial.



How did you learn about Imperial?

I was out driving and saw a delivery truck on route.

What advice do you have for prospective Imperial candidates?

Be willing to learn and take pride in your work.

What’s your proudest moment at Imperial?

Repairing vending equipment that seemed impossible to fix.

Are you messy or organized?


If you could change one thing at imperial what would it be?

Air conditioning. ðŸ˜Š

Tell us something about you that would surprise us.

I am a drummer and once recorded a CD.

What is your biggest pet peave?


What’s one thing on your bucket list.

To visit Egypt and the Pyramids.

What’s one thing you cannot live without.


Worst Job?

I dug ditches for a day.

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