Friday, September 28, 2018

**Spot Light** OKC - Larry J

How did you first learn about Imperial?
-from Coke when Imperial bought the machines

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Imperial, whose job would you want?
-Mario, because I am very organized
What are 3 words to describe Imperial?
-Progressive, Helpful, Innovative
What do you find the most challenging at Imperial?
-getting different people to work together for the same goal

What is the favorite part about working for Imperial?
-talking to my co-workers
What is your proudest moment at Imperial?
-when 3 of my contacts called and asked that I remained on my route
Are you messy or organized?

Do you have a favorite quote?
“If you want it done right, do it yourself”
Do you have an office nickname? What is it?
If you could change one thing about working here, what would it be?
-We need a good incentive program to motivate workers

If you could meet anyone in the world (dead or alive) who would it be, and why?
-Walter Payton

If you were stuck on an island -- what three things would you bring?
-My Wife, she would have whatever else I need.
 Motto or personal mantra?
-Get up, get moving, and get it done.

Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us?
-I have a Master’s Degree
Three words to best describe you?
-organized, hardworking, efficient
What did you want to be growing up?
-pro football player
What is your biggest pet peeve?
-The list is long and growing by the hour, as I get older, but possibly bad drivers

Happy Cupcake Day!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

You Rock!

Tulsa's Traveling Trophy!  

Last week's recipient was Micheal D.    
This week, Michael Chose Kayla D.  

Each week the recipient selects the next week's recipient.  
Pay it forward -- so to speak.  

You both Rock!  
Thank you for all you do for our team. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Shout Out!

Q3 Coffee Driver Contest Winners:

Tim E & Harold H! 

Top Sellers!

Congrats to all!

- Mike B

WCS - Commissary

Training the staff on food safety! Thank you to everyone who attended.

Great things to come!

Friday, September 14, 2018

**Spot Light** Tulsa - Maria

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Imperial, whose job would you want?
I like my job, I won’t switch my job.

What do you find the most challenging at Imperial?
Have a good relationship with everyone in the company.

What is the favorite part about working for Imperial?
When I changed my position from Commissary to office cleaner.

Are you messy or organized?
I’m very organized.

Do you have an office nickname? What is it?
No, I don’t have any nickname.

If you could meet anyone in the world (dead or alive) who would it be, and why?
My parents, they are living in Mexico. I miss them a lot.

If you were stuck on an island -- what three things would you bring?
Bronzer, Cam and a guy. Lol

Three words to best describe you?
Responsible, Angry and Friendly woman.

What is your hidden talent?

What’s the one thing, you can’t live without?
Without my Cellphone.

Where would you like to go on a dream vacation?
Cabo San Lucas - Mexico

What has been your Best Job?

Worst Job?
Hacienda Restaurant / Dishwasher.

If you could meet anyone, who would it be?
With my Son.

If you had to sing a Karaoke song… what would it be?
Mariachi music.


Subject: Much Appreciation!
I want to give some recognition to Jeremy for his level of customer service this evening. 
Before I left Lawton around 5:30 I went thru several markets on camera and one of the markets was Dell.  I saw that around 4 o clock when they either had a shift change or people are just buying  a drink to take home, we ended up going from 0 empty spots to 18 empty spots in the market within a 2 ½ hour period.  Jeremy stepped up and helped us out by running product over immediately.  The only thing Jeremy asked was “ what do I need to take out?”.  

So Thank You Jeremy for your quick response and action!!!!

Keith- It looks like we may end up needing more beverage coolers in that break room

Matt Johnson
Micro Market Manager

Your dedication is the only thing stronger than our office WiFi signal. Keep it up, Corey!

Click Me!   Even in the recent bitter cold, Corey C does an amazing job taking care of his customers with th...