Monday, November 23, 2015

OKC pot luck!

Big thank you to all of those of you who participated in our OKC Imperial Pot Luck this year!


Kaley Wilson-Banana cream pie

Jason Jones-Potato Salad

Wayne Anderson-Green Bean Casserole

Julia Lee-Sweet Potatoes (As well as cutting all of the Turkey)

Duane Eberly-Taco Salad

Alyess Anderson-Chicken Casserole

David Higgings-Brown Beans

Robin Denney-Dressing

Terry Duncan-Dinner Rolls

Jeff Kottre-Taco Soup

Stephen Parman-Homemade Pie

Mario Yuwono-Food Noodles

Jeremy Willhite-No bake cookies

Dale Gall- Green Bean Casserole

Tyler Tesch- Picking up the Turkeys

Julie McBride for cooking a ham

RC Powers for cooking a ham


For those of you that brought a dinner or dessert but did not sign up and all of you who helped set up/clean up…THANK YOU!!!


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