Wednesday, August 16, 2017

**NWA Spotlight Employee** James P!

James Pickney **NWA Spotlight Employee**

1. How did you first learn about Imperial?

When they bought their first vending company in NW Arkansas

2. What advice do you have for prospective Imperial candidates?

Don’t put off until tomorrow things that you can get done today.

3.  What are 3 words to describe Imperial?


4. What do you find the most challenging at Imperial?

Meeting the day to day needs of every customer

5. What is the favorite part about working for Imperial?

Knowing that I made a customer happy.

6. Are you messy or organized?

Organized mess!!!

7. Do you have a favorite quote?

If you enjoy your job, you will never work a day of your life.

8. What did you want to be growing up?


9. What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?

My favorite hobby is camping

10. What’s one thing on your bucket list?

Ride every rollercoaster I can

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